Play PELMATHISM joining thousands around the world in the Global Maths and Science Lesson GMSL2025 to help to raise funds for AIMSSEC.
Join the discussion in the comments here on the AIMING HIGH website. Share the versions of the game that you create. Pelmathism is one […]
In this game players solve jigsaw puzzles and find the factors of quadratic expressions by fitting pieces together to make rectangles. To factorize the expression $ax^2 + bx +c$, where $a, b$ and c are positive, players must arrange into a rectangle: a blue $x^2$ pieces, b brown $x$ pieces and c green unit […]
You can be a creative mathematician, you can be someone who has your own mathematical ideas. Find your own interesting facts about the number 2025 and calculations that have the answer 2025.
For example, you might ask: ‘do you find anything interesting if you reverse the digits of 2025 and add the […]
DOWNLOAD the Maths Week England 2024 30-Minute Lesson details
Resources needed: pencil and paper, 5 by 5 grids, 2 sets of cards numbered 1 to 10, envelope or bag.
Warm-up (5 minutes)
For the 3 […]
This game is like Bingo but each player makes their own gamecard by drawing a grid and choosing 25 numbers to write on their gamecard, numbers between 0 and 100, not repeating any numbers. They cannot change the numbers once they are written on their gamecard.
Click here f0r the 30-minute lesson for Maths Week England
Click here for the Playful Learning video
ROCK PAPER SCISSORS Contingency tables and cycles
Both players start with zero points and take turns to throw the dice as many times as they like adding the total at each throw to their score.
Suppose you throw a double one. On the next throw, is your chance of throwing a double one the same, more likely or less […]
The roadmap shows 9 straight lines representing roads R1, R2, R3, … R9 and 8 towns T1, T2, T3, …T8, shown in yellow. The roads go to, or through, the towns.
Some roads connect 2 towns, some connect 3 towns, and one road connects 4 towns but all towns lie on exactly […]
NUMBER TRICK This is for secondary students and top primary. On any calendar of any month of any year put a box around four dates, two in one week and two in the following week (all four dates must be within the same month). Add the numbers up and tell me the total. I can […]
South Africa COVID-19 News
Here is the official website for COVID-19 updates.