In this game players combine two given numbers to get as close to a target as possible using one of the operations: addition +, subtraction -, or multiplication ×, and each number once and only once. For example, combining (-3) and (-5) to get as close as possible to the target of […]
Below are three addition- subtraction problems that are classified into Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.
Level 1: Find the sums and difference of the numbers indicated on the diagram (vertically/horizontally)
Level 2: Fill in the empty boxes such that the sums (difference) of the horizontally and vertically arranged numbers satisfy the given […]
Work out the different numbers to replace the question marks.
What do you notice about the patterns in these calculations?
Can you explain why this pattern occurs?
Put the missing symbol into the box to make these number sentences correct.
Use the symbols +, −, ×, ÷ and =.
17 ☐ 21 = 38
17 ☐ 3 = 51
57 ☐ 29 = 28
9 ☐ 63 ÷ 7
You can make most of the number sentences below correct by putting in […]
Working either in small groups or as a whole-class activity, you will be given two sets of small cards. On one set expressions, such as 68 ÷ 64, are given. In the other set single values, such as 64, are given. Work out the value of the cards using the laws of exponents or by […]
Amy and her friends have built some functions. If they all input the number 1 into their functions Amy’s output would be 6, Busi’s 1, Chris’s 6½ and Dudu’s 3½.
Build some of your own functions using the operations [subtract 2], [multiply by 3], [divide by 2] and [add […]
When I went into a classroom earlier this week a child rushed up to tell me she was 8 that day!
Well, Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday today!
Whatever age you are, can you find a variety of questions that give your age as the answer? This […]
Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 (each number once and only once) into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?
This problem is adapted from the NRICH task A Square of Numbers with permission of the University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.
Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 once and only once and the symbols × and ÷ once and only once, what is the smallest whole number you can make?
Now suppose you have to use the symbol + once and the symbol ÷ twice what is the smallest fraction […]
South Africa COVID-19 News
Here is the official website for COVID-19 updates.