There are 36 cards with a picture on one side and a description on the back. Shuffle the cards. The first player takes the top card and, taking care to avoid showing either side of the card to the other players, describes the image giving clear instructions for the other players to […]
The Checkit Game is suitable for all ages because you can choose the type of numbers and the operation that you will use.
You can play this game with different sets of numbers like whole numbers or integers, fractions or decimals and with (1) addition and subtraction or with (2) multiplication and […]
For versions of the game for different age groups see the Inclusion Guide.
This is a game for two players, a group of 3 or 4 players, or for the whole class. You will need to download and cut out or otherwise make 2 sets of these 24 cards.
To play the game you need a 4 by 4 board, 2 L pieces and 2 counters. Place the pieces on the board as shown.
How to win: The winner is the player who blocks in their opponent’s L shape so the opponent cannot move.
Rules: From this starting position, the first […]
The MAGIC SQUARE GAME is played with a set of cards numbered 1 to 9 and a 3-by-3 gameboard. Take turns either to put one of the 9 cards into an empty square, or to move to an adjacent empty square one of the cards that has already been placed. The winner is […]
What can you see in this diagram?
Could you draw it? Could you draw a similar diagram with just 5 or 6 points around the outside? Try it?
How many lines are there in your diagrams? How many lines are there in the original diagram? Can you find a way of working out […]
Use a dotty grid and take it in turns to claim a point and mark it with your colour. The first person or team to get 4 of their markers at the vertices of a square wins the game.
The square is one unit and it is split into smaller parts. Copy the picture and label each part with the fraction it shows.
Which coloured bits would you use to show that two eighths equals one quarter?
Which coloured bits would you use to show that two sixteenths equals one […]
To play the game you need a gameboard, one die, one counter for each player and paper and pencil for recording scores
Rules: REGULAR POLYPATH GAME Players in turn roll the die and move their counter that number of spaces. When they land on a shape, they must imagine that a regular […]
The only resources needed are 2 dice and pencil and paper for scoring. Decide the divisors for your game, say 3 and 5. Throw 2 dice and choose between two 2-digit numbers (unless it’s a double) e.g. with 5 and 6 choose 56 or 65. Score 1 point if your number is divisible by 3 […]
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