The square is one unit and it is split into smaller parts. Copy the picture and label each part with the fraction it shows.
Which coloured bits would you use to show that two eighths equals one quarter?
Which coloured bits would you use to show that two sixteenths equals one […]
To play the game you need a gameboard, one die, one counter for each player and paper and pencil for recording scores
Rules: REGULAR POLYPATH GAME Players in turn roll the die and move their counter that number of spaces. When they land on a shape, they must imagine that a regular […]
To play the game you need two dice of one colour and one of another, or a 1-to-6 spinner. Here two dice are GOLD and one is WHITE. Roll the dice, add up the numbers on the two GOLD dice and then subtract the number on the WHITE. If you use a […]
For scissors hold out 2 fingers like a pair of scissors.
For paper hold your hand out flat.
For rock clench your hand into a fist.
Count 1 , 2, 3 and then, at the same time, both players make one of the signs: scissors, or paper or […]
NINE MENS MORRIS is a game for two players and each needs 9 counters in their colour. Pieces are called men. Lines of 3 are called merrels or mills. The game is also called Cowboy Checkers or Ninepenny Marl.
To win, a player must reduce the opponent to 2 men or leaves the opponent with […]
This is a puzzle and game for 2 players or 2 teams. When you first meet it, play cooperatively rather than competitively. First think of this as a puzzle. Match the regular polygons with stars so that each polygon-star pair has a different shape combination to all the others, showing a different […]
In this game players combine two given numbers to get as close to a target as possible using one of the operations: addition +, subtraction -, or multiplication ×, and each number once and only once. For example, combining (-3) and (-5) to get as close as possible to the target of […]
Another TARGET game for any number of players. You want to win? So THINK MATHEMATICALLY and ESTIMATE the likely answers. When you multiply H hundreds by T tens what do you want the product of the digits H×T to be? A bit less than 10 perhaps?
You will need a set of 10 cards […]
A game for any number of players. You want to win by getting the total close to 100, so THINK MATHEMATICALLY! Concentrate on the digits in the tens column. What do you want them to add up to?
You need a set of 10 cards numbered 0 to 9 or a spinner. […]
Another TARGET game for any number of players or for the whole class as a lesson starter. You want to win so THINK MATHEMATICALLY. To get near to the target of 1000 you must get the hundreds digit multiplied by the single digit number close to 10. So for those 2 digits […]
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