You can be a creative mathematician, you can be someone who has your own mathematical ideas. Find your own interesting facts about the number 2025 and calculations that have the answer 2025.
For example, you might ask: ‘do you find anything interesting if you reverse the digits of 2025 and add the […]
? + ? = 2025. How many ways can you replace the ? marks with whole numbers, or put whole numbers in the boxes, to make the sum correct?
Here is one way to do it. How many other ways can you find? Explain your answer.
Now […]
Place in a bag or envelope two balls (or cards) with odd numbers on them, and 3 with even numbers, and play the 2 Odds in 5 game, for example with balls numbered 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Pick out two balls or cards at random without replacing the first one. […]
Suppose you have two 1s, two 2s and two 3s.
Arrange these six digits in a list so that:
between the two 1s there is one digit giving 1?1,
between the two 2s there are two digits giving 2??2,
between the two 3s there are three digits giving 3???3.
What patterns do you see in them?
Suppose you have to share 9872 gold coins between 8 people.
You give the coins out in thousands until there are less than 8000 left.
Then you give out one hundred at a time until there are less than 800, then […]
Ram had 15 coins, all the same kind, and he put them into 4 bags.
He labelled each bag with the number of coins inside it.
He could then pay any sum of money from 1 coin to 15 coins using one or more of the bags without opening any of the bags.
How […]
Download the pieces of the puzzle here and cut out the 16 small triangles.
Arrange the 16 pieces into a larger triangle so that the numbers on matching edges are the same, for example .
Click here to download the POWER MATCHING worksheet.
Click here for Notes for […]
You might like to start by investigating the patterns you get when you shade multiples of a number on a grid. Download here
For the prime sieve investigation use a 100 square grid (download here):
Circle the number 2. Put a line through every multiple of 2 up to 100.
Can you find the chosen number from this square using the clues below?
1. The number is odd.
2. It is a multiple of three.
3. It is smaller than 7 x 4.
4. It has an even tens digit.
5. It is the greater of the two possibilities.
A staircase has 12 steps. You can go down the steps one at a time or two at time.
For example:
You could go down 1 step, then 1 step, then 2 steps, then 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 as in the picture.
In how many different ways […]
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