Play PELMATHISM joining thousands around the world in the Global Maths and Science Lesson GMSL2025 to help to raise funds for AIMSSEC.
Join the discussion in the comments here on the AIMING HIGH website. Share the versions of the game that you create. Pelmathism is one […]
In this game players solve jigsaw puzzles and find the factors of quadratic expressions by fitting pieces together to make rectangles. To factorize the expression $ax^2 + bx +c$, where $a, b$ and c are positive, players must arrange into a rectangle: a blue $x^2$ pieces, b brown $x$ pieces and c green unit […]
DOWNLOAD the Maths Week England 2024 30-Minute Lesson details
Resources needed: pencil and paper, 5 by 5 grids, 2 sets of cards numbered 1 to 10, envelope or bag.
Warm-up (5 minutes)
For the 3 […]
Start with the easiest version on a 25 square board each player having 12 men (coloured counters). Then graduate to boards with 49 or 81 squares and 24 or 40 men each. Either 25 or 49 squares can be used on the board shown. Aim to set traps to capture your opponent’s pieces and to […]
Put 11 cards numbered 2 to 12 into a bag. Each player then draws a card giving them a horse. If there are fewer than 11 players, they can draw more than one horse. To assign the last few horses, players throw a die and, if they throw a six, they draw another […]
There are 36 cards with a picture on one side and a description on the back. Shuffle the cards. The first player takes the top card and, taking care to avoid showing either side of the card to the other players, describes the image giving clear instructions for the other players to […]
To play the game you need a 4 by 4 board, 2 L pieces and 2 counters. Place the pieces on the board as shown.
How to win: The winner is the player who blocks in their opponent’s L shape so the opponent cannot move.
Rules: From this starting position, the first […]
The game is played with a set of cards numbered 1 to 9 and a 3-by-3 gameboard. Take turns either to put one of the 9 cards into an empty square, or to move to an adjacent empty square one of the cards that has already been placed. The winner is the […]
What can you see in this diagram?
Could you draw it? Could you draw a similar diagram with just 5 or 6 points around the outside? Try it?
How many lines are there in your diagrams? How many lines are there in the original diagram? Can you find a way of working out […]
Use a dotty grid and take it in turns to claim a point and mark it with your colour. The first person or team to get 4 of their markers at the vertices of a square wins the game.
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