Try the ages of your family and friends.

What happens?

Can you explain it?

Does this work for very old people over the age of 99? Why or why not?

Click here to download the MAGIC 13837 worksheet.

Click here for the Notes for Teachers for Years 6-10.

Click here for the poster.

Inspired by Jain

The product of two 2-digit numbers can be written as (10a+b)(10c+d). Notice that
(1) in all the examples on the left, the tens digits are repeated so a = c
(2) the units digits add up to 10 so             b + d = 10
(3) the product is given by         100a(a+1)+ bd, e.g. 100(7×8) + 4×6. Can you prove this result?
(4) Can you prove that the quick calculation method shown on the right always works?


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