Graphs and equations of 7 quadratic functions are given here.
Match them and put them into 7 sets. Write down the coordinates of the intercepts with the axes.
Make a poster showing the graph of each function with the matching equations.
In all these examples the coefficient of […]
When x is zero, A is greater than both B and C
For what other values of x is A the greatest?
For what values of x is B the greatest ?
For what values of x is C the greatest?
Is there a value of x when neither A nor B […]
Can you find the easy way to calculate this square root without doing any long division?
Hint: Think of factors!
Click here for the EASY CALC worksheet.
Click for The EASY CALC Notes for Teachers
Click here for the EASY CALC poster.
First complete the number sentences by putting = + – x or ÷ in the boxes. Then explain why the pattern occurs.
Explore the pattern you get when you carry on these multiplications up to 37 × 54.
Click here for MAGIC OF 37 worksheet.
Click here for the Notes […]
In this game players combine two given numbers to get as close to a target as possible using one of the operations: addition +, subtraction -, or multiplication ×, and each number once and only once. For example, combining (-3) and (-5) to get as close as possible to the target of […]
In a small village two thirds of the adult men are married to three quarters of the adult women.
How big is the smallest village for which this is true?
Can you describe the population of other villages for which this is true?
Click here to download the […]
Try the ages of your family and friends.
What happens?
Can you explain it?
Does this work for very old people over the age of 99? Why or why not?
Click here to download the MAGIC 13837 worksheet.
Click here for the Notes for Teachers for Years 6-10.
This is a game for one or two players.
The first player chooses a positive even number that is less than 50, and crosses it out on the 100 square grid.
The second player chooses a number to cross out. The number must be a factor or multiple of the previous number.
Players […]
There are some water lilies in a lake.
The area that they cover doubles in size every day.
After 17 days the whole lake is covered with water lilies.
How long did it take them to cover half the lake?
Can you find numbers to replace the ? marks to solve this two by two multiplication puzzle? Can you explain how it works?
How does the diagram below connect with the multiplication?
Use the two grids to do the two multiplications:
72 × 25 […]
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