Another TARGET game for any number of players or for the whole class as a lesson starter. You want to win so THINK MATHEMATICALLY. To get near to the target of 100 you must get

roughly 100×2-digit number = 4-digit number.

Think what that means for the tens digit in the 2 digit number and the thousands digit in the 4-digit number.


This is a game of chance.

You need a set of number cards 0 to 9, or a spinner. Each player must draw the grid on a showboard or in their notebook.

Pick a number card randomly or spin a spinner. Players must write the digit in one of the six boxes. Once a digit is written the position cannot be changed. Repeat five more times.

Then the learners divide the 4-digit number by the 2-digit number and write the answer on the top line.

The player (or players) with the quotient closest to 100 wins.

Score 1 point for a win.

VERSION 2  has an alternative scoring systemis a game of skill.

Each player must draw the grid on a showboard or in their notebook.

Spin the spinner 5 times and make a note of the 6 numbers that come up. The players must write the digits in the six boxes so that the answer to the division is as close as possible to 100. A time limit such as 5 minutes is set for this. The player (or players) with the quotient closest to 100 wins. Score 1 point for a win.

Click here for a template and instructions for making spinners.

Click here to download the TARGET 4 BY 2 Home Learning Guide.

Click here to download the TARGET 4 by 2 DIVISION worksheet.

Click here for the Notes for Teachers.

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