Match each of the five word problems below to its equation and solution.
Make up your own word problem, equation and solution.
Click here for a sheet giving 15 cards that can be cut out for sorting.
Click here to download the MATCHING EQUATIONS worksheet.
Click here for […]
Complete the calculations in the picture.
What do you notice?
To explain how the patterns of numbers arise:
Either multiply by (10 – 1) instead of multiplying by 9
or use the table below, first completing the calculations on each line.
Complete the calculations in the first list. Then use your answers to find the numbers to fill the boxes in the second list.
What do you notice about the connections between the equations: ☐ × 8 + 1 = 9 etc. and the calculations: (9 – 1) ÷ 8 […]
Three quarters of the area of the rectangle has been shaded.
What is the value of x?
Click here to download the USE AREA TO FIND x worksheet.
Click here for the Notes for Teachers.
Note: The symbols may be slightly different. Use the subtle differences in the images in working out your answer.
Click here to download the BANANAS CLOCK HEXAGON worksheet.
Click here to download the Notes for Teachers.
This puzzle is adapted from
This workshop guide reviews the number systems that learners have met and expands number concepts to include complex numbers. Learning activities involve matching graphs to linear and quadratic equations and their solutions within different number systems.
There is discussion of the historial evolution of mankind’s concepts of number and parallels are drawn […]
Find the total area of the two red triangles by two different methods if ACD and BCE are straight lines .
What are the lengths PC and CQ?
The triangles are re-drawn with PC = x cm and CQ = y cm keeping the total area the same and keeping the distances between the green […]
If three of the four expressions: 2x – 3 and x + 8 and 2x + 3 and 30 – x are equal, find their value and which expression is the odd one out.
Copy and label the diagram and explain the connection between the diagram and the first part of the […]
Each shape has a different value. The totals for the rows and columns are given. Can you find the values and the total of the first column?
Here’s another, rather easier, puzzle to solve where the methods are the same.
Click here to download the Notes for Teachers.
In the first square the boxes at the end of each row and the foot of each column give the result of multiplying the two numbers in that row or column.
Can you find 4 consecutive numbers to complete the second multiplication square in the same way?
Make up puzzles for your […]
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