Comparing investments: there are six investments. Find all the representations (description, formula, graph and table of values) of a single investment. After this, work out which statement fits with which investment.
The teacher leads a very short discussion about the different types of investments, reminding the learners about simple and compound interest. He or […]
This lesson is about moving between different representations of distance-time functions, namely between graphs, stories and tables. This activity should be given to the class as a formative assessment activity: it is designed to provide the teacher with information about the learners’ current levels of understanding.
During a short introduction the teacher displays a […]
This lesson is about
different representations of algebraic relationships, namely equations, graphs, tables and words. This activity should be given to the class as a formative assessment activity: it is designed to provide the teacher with information about the learners’ current levels of understanding.
After a short introduction, during which the teacher models […]
This lesson is about different representations of number: percentages, decimals and fractions. It particularly emphasises that percentage and decimal increases and decreases are not mirrored whereas fraction increases and decreases are.
After a short introduction, during which the teacher asks students questions about amounts increasing or decreasing by 50%, 100% […]
Is the answer 3, 3,5 or 5? Make three columns on a large sheet of paper, and label them 3; 3,5; and 5. Look at the words and numbers on the small cards and work out what the answer is. Place each card in the appropriate column.
The teacher leads a discussion about the […]
This lesson is first about using properties of quadrilaterals to identify particular shapes and second about identifying the smallest number of properties needed to define a shape. This activity should be given to the class as a formative assessment activity: it is designed to provide the teacher with information about the learners’ current levels […]
Working either in small groups or as a whole-class activity, you will be given two sets of small cards. On one set expressions, such as 68 ÷ 64, are given. In the other set single values, such as 64, are given. Work out the value of the cards using the laws of exponents or by […]
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