quad This lesson is first about using properties of quadrilaterals to identify particular shapes and second about identifying the smallest number of properties needed to define a shape. This activity should be given to the class as a formative assessment activity: it is designed to provide the teacher with information about the learners’ current levels of understanding.
After a short introduction, during which the teacher asks students to give the properties of a square, the students work in small groups. They are given strips of small cards; on each strip properties of a given quadrilateral are given. Students sketch the quadrilateral and later determine the smallest number of properties needed to define the quadrilateral. After the activity the teacher holds a class discussion aiming to go over the answers and elicit something about the students’ understanding.

Note: This activity was designed as a formative assessment activity, in order to to provide the teacher with information about the learners’ current levels of understanding.

Quadrilaterals Card Set

Guidance (for teachers)

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