a. Draw 2 circles with equal radii, intersecting at C, so that each goes through the centre of the other.
b. Draw a third circle of the same radius with centre C.
c. Draw 4 more circles with centres on the circle centre A and passing through A.
There are some mistakes and some correct methods and correct answers.
Find the mistakes and write out the correct calculation using that method.
Explain how and why the methods that get the correct answers work.
How many squares can you make by joining four points on this grid?
Look for squares of different sizes and also tilted squares
Start with a 3 by 3 grid of nine dots. Can you find six squares?
Then go on to the 4 by 4 grid of sixteen dots.
What can you say […]
The diagram shows the graphs of five quadratic functions or parabolas.
How do the points where the graph cuts the x axis relate to the axis of symmetry of the graph and the solutions of the quadratic equation ?
Match the graphs in the diagram to the following descriptions and give reasons […]
For any triangle you can construct a line through one of the vertices parallel to the opposite edge.
Using what you know about angles and parallel lines prove that the angles of the triangle add up to 180 degrees.
Click here to download the ANGLE SUM worksheet.
Click here […]
For this activity you need lots of old newspapers, and some sticky tape.
Make 1 metre length sticks using newspaper.
Tightly roll 8 large sheets of newspaper, 4 and 4 placed as in the photograph, so that the length of the stick when the paper is […]
Squares 1, 2 and 3 all have edges of length 1 unit.
The top edge of square 2 is split into equal parts of length ½.
The left hand edge of square 3 is split into equal parts of length ½.
The top and bottom edges of square 3 is split into lengths ¼, […]
This diagram shows 3 sets of parallel lines. What do you notice in the diagram?
Look at the triangle with angles marked 1, 2 and 3.
Call this T.
Label angles equal to these angles. Why are they equal?
Look at the larger heavily outlined triangle.
How many copies of triangle T can […]
Fractions, decimals and percentages are three different ways of writing the same number and it is important that we can convert one form into another.
Divide 2 by 11 to get the decimal fraction equivalent to the common fraction two elevenths . Carry on dividing until you see a patttern. Will this […]
This baobab tree in Senegal is reported to be 6000 years old.
Try to estimate the distance around the tree trunk at its base measured in metres.
Does this picture give you an idea how you might use the picture, with your class at school, to work out a better estimate […]
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