What do the digits in the number 15 add up to?
How many other numbers up to a thousand have digits with the same total if we only include numbers without zeros?
Click here for Solutions and Suggested Lesson Plans in the AIMSSEC Notes for Teachers.
This problem is adapted from the NRICH […]
(STEP 1) Choose any two numbers from the 7 times table. Add them together. What do you notice? Repeat with some other examples, always choosing pairs of numbers from the same times table. What do you notice? Does the same thing always happen? Why or why not?
Here you see the front and back views of a dodecahedron which is a solid with pentagonal faces.
Using twenty of the numbers from 1 to 25, each vertex can be numbered so that the numbers around each pentagonal face add up to 65.
The number F is the number of faces […]
Look at the route the arrows follow in this diagram. Look away from the screen and try to describe their path.
Will the route pass through the point (18,17)?
If so, which point will be visited next? Explain how you found out.
How many points does the route pass through […]
What is the sum of all the digits in all the integers from one to one million?
Don’t do a lot of tedious adding up – think mathematically!
Note: the digits in the integers from one to ten add up to 46
(not 55 because 10 contributes only 1 to this sum.)
The Olympic emblem consists of five overlapping rings containing nine regions.
Place the numbers 1, 2, 3, … 9 in the nine regions so that the total in each ring is the same.
Can you complete the solutions given in the 4 diagrams?
Choose four consecutive whole numbers, for example, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Multiply the first and last numbers together (28).
Multiply the middle pair together (30).
Choose different sets of four consecutive whole numbers and do the same.
What do you notice about the difference between the two […]
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