Another TARGET game for any number of players. You want to win? So THINK MATHEMATICALLY and ESTIMATE the likely answers. When you multiply H hundreds by T tens what do you want the product of the digits H×T to be? A bit less than 10 perhaps?
You will need a set of 10 cards […]
Another TARGET game for any number of players or for the whole class as a lesson starter. You want to win so THINK MATHEMATICALLY. To get near to the target of 1000 you must get the hundreds digit multiplied by the single digit number close to 10. So for those 2 digits […]
There are some mistakes and some correct methods and correct answers.
Find the mistakes and write out the correct calculation using that method.
Explain how and why the methods that get the correct answers work.
This collection of 6 games gives practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers and you can easily adapt them to include negative numbers and decimals. To win these games you will need to understand place value and how the calculations work and be able to estimate the results of calculations. These […]
Can you put the numbers 1 to 8 (each number once and only once) into the circles so that the four calculations are correct?
This problem is adapted from the NRICH task A Square of Numbers with permission of the University of Cambridge. All rights reserved.
In the first square the boxes at the end of each row and the foot of each column give the result of multiplying the two numbers in that row or column.
Can you find 4 consecutive numbers to complete the second multiplication square in the same way?
Make up puzzles for your […]
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