What is the largest number that, when divided into each of 1905, 2587, 3951, 7020 and 8725, leaves the same remainder each time?
When a problem seems difficult a good strategy is to try a simple case.
The diagram should help you to find the answer to the same question […]
Suppose you had the never ending task of writing out all the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. and so on.
What would be the 1000th digit you would write down?
In what number would it occur?
What number would contain the millionth digit?
When would you have written six for […]
Think of a whole number. Square it. Subtract the number you first thought of. Is the answer odd or even?
Try this with other numbers. What do you notice? Can you explain why? Can you find different ways to explain (and prove) the result that you noticed. You might use what you […]
My car has number plate – S208VBJ.
Using my special code S208VBJ adds to 65.
Using the code every character, a digit or a letter, is separate.
Numbers are simply added together so that, in the first number plate 208 is 2 + 0 + 8 = 10.
Letters are translated into […]
(STEP 1) Choose any two numbers from the 7 times table. Add them together. What do you notice? Repeat with some other examples, always choosing pairs of numbers from the same times table. What do you notice? Does the same thing always happen? Why or why not?
The Olympic emblem consists of five overlapping rings containing nine regions.
Place the numbers 1, 2, 3, … 9 in the nine regions so that the total in each ring is the same.
Can you complete the solutions given in the 4 diagrams?
Choose four consecutive whole numbers, for example, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Multiply the first and last numbers together (28).
Multiply the middle pair together (30).
Choose different sets of four consecutive whole numbers and do the same.
What do you notice about the difference between the two […]
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