It is not difficult to put a list of decimals in order of size. But what about ordering fractions?
John Farey introduced sequences of sequences of fractions in order of size, now called Farey sequences. Can you discover his method from the following examples?
When x is zero, A is greater than both B and C
For what other values of x is A the greatest?
For what values of x is B the greatest ?
For what values of x is C the greatest?
Is there a value of x when neither A nor B […]
Using all of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 exactly once and once only, make two or more numbers, for example: 5, 12 and 34
Multiply these numbers together: 5 x 12 x 34 = 2 040.
Try other arrangements of the digits 1 to 5.
What is the greatest product that […]
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