Imagine you have four bags containing a large number of 1s, 4s, 7s and 10s.
You can choose numbers from the bags and add them to make different totals. You don’t have to use numbers from every bag, and there will always be as many of each number as you need.
Choose some […]
Cardioid technology is used in microphones and speakers. Cardioids appear in the motion of planets and in many other ways. See this YouTube video.
To draw a cardioid, first draw a circle, then carefully mark 36 points around the circle at 10 degree intervals and number the points n = 0 […]
In his grid, how many pairs of numbers can you find that add up to a multiple of 11?
Do you notice anything interesting?
Can you see a connection with the 11-hour clock?
Can you find all the pairs?
Could you convince someone that you haven’t […]
South Africa COVID-19 News
Here is the official website for COVID-19 updates.